Gergin BLAGOEV, Christo DELTSHEV, Stoyan LAZAROV Department of Taxonomy, Faunology and Zoogeography Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
References of Dr. Christo DELTSHEV
ANTOV A., LAZAROV S., DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 2004. Spiders from the Sofia Region. A Faunistic and Zoogeographical Analysis. – In: L. Penev, J. Niemelä, D.J. Kotze, & N. Chipev (eds.). Ecology of the City of Sofia. Species and Communities in an Urban Environment. © PENSOFT Publishers, Sofia-Moscow: 355-363. BLAGOEV G., DELTSHEV C. 1989. [Biotopical distribution of wolf-spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae) in the Zemen Gorge, Southwestern Bulgaria]. - Ecologia. Sofia, 22: 73-80. BLAGOEV G., LAZAROV S., DELTSHEV C. 2001. [Spiders (Araneae) in Kresna Gorge]. - P. Beron (ed.): Biodiversity of Kresna Gorge (SW Bulgaria), 85-102. Ćurčić B., DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G., ĆURČIĆ S., Tomić V. 2003. On the Diversity of some Spiders (Aranea : Arachnida) from Serbia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 55(1-2): 23-32. Ćurčić B., DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G., ĆURČIĆ S., Tomić V., MAKAROV S. 2000. On some soil and cave spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from Serbia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 52(4): 235-242. ĆURČIĆ B., DELTSHEV C., Dimitrijević R., KARAMATA O., Tomić V., ĆURČIĆ S., ĆURČIĆ B. 1999. On some cave-dwelling spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from Serbia, Yugoslavia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 51(1): 7-8. ĆURČIĆ B., DELTSHEV C., MAKAROV S., KARAMATA O., Tomić V. 1999. First report on some leaf litter spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from Serbia, Yugoslavia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 51(1): 15-16. ĆURČIĆ B., DELTSHEV C., MAKAROV S., Tomić V., ĆURČIĆ S., ĆURČIĆ N. 1999. On some leaf-litter spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from West Serbia, Yugoslavia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 51(1): 21-22. ĆURČIĆ B., DELTSHEV C., Tomić V. 2000. On some leaf-litter spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from Western Serbia, Yugoslavia. Part two. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 52(3): 29P-30P. DELTSHEV C. 1967. [On the studies of spiders (Araneae) in the Vitosha Mountain]. - Bull Inst. Zool. Mus. Sofia, 24: 51-56. DELTSHEV C. 1970. [Neue Daten über die Verbreitung der Gattung Meta (Araneae) in Bulgarischen Höhlen]. - Bull Inst. Zool. Mus. Sofia, 32: 89-92. DELTSHEV C. 1972a. [A contribution to the study of spiders (Araneae) from the caves in Bulgaria]. - Bulletin de l`Institute de Zoologie et Musee. Sofia, 34: 171-175. DELTSHEV C. 1972b. A Review of Spiders (Araneae) from Bulgarian Caves. - Arachnologorum Congressus Internationalis V. Brno, 99-104. DELTSHEV C. 1972c. A contribution to the study of Spiders (Araneae) from the caves in Bulgaria. II. Genus Lepthyphantes in Bulgarian caves. - Bulletin de l`Institute de Zoologie et Musee. Sofia, 36: 137-147. DELTSHEV C. 1972d. A New Genus of Bulgarian Cave Spiders (Protoleptoneta bulgarica, n. g., n. sp., Leptonetidae). - Int. J. Speleol. Amsterdam, 4: 275-283. DELTSHEV C. 1973a. [A Contribution to the Study (Araneae) of Spiders from the Caves of Bulgaria. III. Ecological Notes on Spiders (Araneae) from the Entrance Parts of the Caves]. - Bulletin de l`Institute de Zoologie et Musee. Sofia, 38: 39-47. DELTSHEV C. 1973b. Genus Nesticus (Nesticidae, Araneae) from Bulgarian Caves. - Proc. 6th Int. Cong. Speleol. International Speleology. Olomouc, 5: 73-78. DELTSHEV C. 1973c. A New Troglohyphantes from Bulgarian Caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Int. J. Speleol. Amsterdam, 5: 103-109. DELTSHEV C. 1973d. Redescription of Centromerus bulgarianus (Drensky, 1931) and Centromerus lakatnikensis (Drensky, 1931), (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Int. J. Speleol. Amsterdam, 5: 117-126. DELTSHEV C. 1974. À New Centromerus from Bulgarian Caves (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - In. J. Speleol. Amsterdam, 6: 81-86. DELTSHEV C. 1975a. A New Species (Troglohyphantes bureschianus n. sp., Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Bulgarian Caves. - Acta zool. bulg., 3: 99-104. DELTSHEV C. 1975b. The Genus Lepthyphantes in Bulgarian Caves. - Proc. 6th Int. Arachn. Congr. Amsterdam, 210-213. DELTSHEV C. 1976a. [Spiders (Araneae) along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast]. - Terrestrial Fauna of Bulgaria. Materials, 83-96. DELTSHEV C. 1976b. [On the Spiders (Araneae) in the Loudogorie]. - Terrestrial Fauna of Bulgaria. Materials, 251-260. DELTSHEV C. 1976c. [Faunistic, taxonpmic, ecological and zoogeographical research on the spiders (Araneae) in Bulgaria]. 1-23. Ph. D. thesis. Institute of Zoology, BAS, Sofia. DELTSHEV C. 1977. A New Protoleptoneta from Caves (Araneae, Leptonetidae). - Acta zool. bulg., 3-8. DELTSHEV C. 1978a. A New Histopona (Araneae, Agelenidae) from Bulgarian Caves. - Acta zool. bulg., 10: 57-59. DELTSHEV C. 1978b. The Origin, Formation and Zoogeography of Troglobitic Spiders of the Balkan Peninsula. - Symp. zool. Soc. London., 42: 345-351. DELTSHEV C. 1979a. A Contribution to the Study of Cave Spiders (Araneae) in Greece. Four New Species (Araneae, Nesticidae, Linyphiidae) from the Islands of Crete and Thera. - Acta zool. bulg., 13: 53-63. DELTSHEV C. 1979b. [Speleology and caving]. - ECNPKFKS, Sofia, 1-89. DELTSHEV C. 1980a. Spiders (Araneae) from the High Altitude Belt of the Vitosha Mountain. - Acta zool. bulg., 15: 78-92. DELTSHEV C. 1980b. On the High Altitude Spiders (Araneae) in Bulgaria. - 8. Internationaler Arachnologen-Kongress. Wiena, Sep.: 405-409. DELTSHEV C. 1980c. A Contribution to the Taxonomical Study of pallidus Group of Genus Lepthyphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 16: 44-56.
DELTSHEV C. 1981. [Rare and threatened Arachnida species (Arachnida,
Solifugae, Araneae) in south-west DELTSHEV C. 1982a. [New Data on the Distribution of Cave Spiders (Araneae) in Bulgaria]. - Acta zool. bulg., 19: 100-104. DELTSHEV C. 1982b. [Modern conservation problems of Bulgarian cave fauna]. - Sbornik, Nat. Theo. Conf. Protect. Cons. Envir., 337-338. DELTSHEV C. 1983a. Zoogeographical review of Bulgarian cave spiders (Araneae). - Proc. UIS europ. Reg. Conf. Spel. Sofia, 1: 144-146. DELTSHEV C. 1983b. A Contribution to the Study of sylvaticus group of Genus Centromerus F. Dahl (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 21: 53-58. DELTSHEV C. 1983c. Notes on the spiders of Genus Erigone Audouin (Araneae, Erigonidae) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 22: 71-75. DELTSHEV C. 1983d. A Contribution to the Taxonomical and Faunistic Study of Genus Lepthyphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from Pirin Mountain. - Acta zool. bulg., 23: 25-32. DELTSHEV C. 1984. A New Diplocephalus Species from Bulgarian Mountains (Arachnida, Araneae, Erigonidae). - Reichenbachia, 22(11): 91-93. DELTSHEV C. 1985a. [A review of araneological investigations in Bulgarian caves]. - Sbornik, IV Nat. Conf. Speleol.Varna, 33-35. DELTSHEV C. 1985b. New Data Concerning Cave Spiders (Araneae) in Greece with Description of a New Leptoneta (Araneae, Leptonetidae). - Acta zool. bulg., 27: 41-45. DELTSHEV C. 1985c. A contribution to the study of the family Erigonidae (Araneae) from Pirin Mountain, Bulgaria, with a description of a new species (Metopobactrus orbelicus sp. n.). - Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc., 6(8): 359-366. DELTSHEV C. 1987a. A critical review of genus Zodarion Walckenaer (Araneae, Zodariidae) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 33: 19-25. DELTSHEV C. 1987b. [Review of the spiders (Araneae) in the Bulgarian caves]. - Modern achievements of the Bulgarian Zoology. Sofia, 21-24. DELTSHEV C. 1987c. A critical review of genus Araeoncus Simon in Bulgaria, with description of a new species (Araeoncus clivifrons sp. n.) (Arachnida, Araneae, Erigonidae). - Reichenbachia, 25: 97-102. DELTSHEV C. 1988a. A contribution to the study of genus Lepthyphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from the Pirin Mountain with a description of a new species (Lepthyphantes rectilamellus sp. n.). - Acta zool. bulg., 36: 52-55. DELTSHEV C. 1988b. [Review of the Species from the Family Lycosidae (Araneae) from Pirin Mountain]. - Fauna of Southwestern Bulgaria, 2: 170-176. DELTSHEV C. 1988c. The genus Fageiella and the genus Antrohyphantes Dumitrescu (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Lepthyphanteae) in the caves of Balkan peninsula. - XI. Europäisches Arachnologisches Colloquium. Berlin, 28. August bis 2. September 1988. Berlin, 38: 293-299. DELTSHEV C. 1988d. [The descendants of Arahna]. - Nauka i Izkustvo. Sofia, 1-214. DELTSHEV C. 1990a. A critical review of genus Coelotes Blackwall in Bulgaria with description of a new species (Coelotes drenskii sp. n., Araneae, Agelenidae). - Acta zool. bulg., 40: 29-44. DELTSHEV C. 1990b. The high-altitude spiders (Araneae) in the Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria. XI International Congress of Arachnology, Turku, Finland, 7-12 August 1989. - Acta zool. fennica, 190: 111-115. DELTSHEV C. 1990c. Conservation problems of Bulgarian cave fauna. - Proceedings. X. International Congrees of Speleology, 13-20. August 1989. Budapest, 778-779. DELTSHEV C. 1992a. A critical review of family Theridiidae (Araneae) in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 43: 13-22. DELTSHEV C. 1992b. Drepanotylus pirinicus n. sp. from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria), with Comparative Remarks on the Other Species of the Genus (Arachnida, Araneae: Linyphiidae). - Ber. nat.-med. Verein. Innsbruck, 79: 173-176. DELTSHEV C. 1993a. The Genus Tegenaria Latreille in Bulgaria: A critical review with description of two sibling species (Arachnida, Araneae: Agelenidae). - Ber. nat.-med. Verein. Innsbruck, 80: 167-174. DELTSHEV C. 1993b. In Memoriam: Dr. Pencho Drensky (1886-1963). - Arachnologia, 10: 3-6. DELTSHEV C. 1995a. A review of family Agelenidae (Araneae) in Bulgaria. Taxonomic, faunistic and zoogeographical analysis. - Eur. J. Entomol. Ceske Budejovice, 92: 581-588. DELTSHEV C. 1995b. Spiders (Araneae) from the high Àltitude Zone of Rila Mountain (Bulgaria). - Ber. nat.-med. Verein. Innsbruck, 82: 217-22. DELTSHEV C. 1996. The origin, formation and zoogeography of endemic spiders of Bulgaria (Araneae). - Revue suisse de Zoologie, vol. hors serie: 141-151. DELTSHEV C. 1997a. Arachnological investigation. In: 50 Years Institute of Zoology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 1947-1997. - Sofia, 38-44. DELTSHEV C. 1997b. A new species of Cybaeidae: Cybaeus balkanus spec. nov. from the mountains of Balkan peninsula (Arachnida: Araneae). - Reichenbachia, 32(1): 1-4. DELTSHEV C. 1997c. Cryphoecina deelemanae gen. n., sp. n., a remarkable spider from the mountains of Montenegro (Yugoslavia) (Arachnida, Araneae, Hahniidae). - Revue suisse de Zoologie, 104(3): 485-489. DELTSHEV C. 1997d. Spiders (Araneae) from the coastal habitats of Shabla-Ezerets Lake, Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 49: 58-63. DELTSHEV C. 1997e. Conservation priorities of arachnids (non Acari) in Bulgaria. - Proc. 10th Intern. Coll. Eur. Invert. Survey, Saabrücken, 6-7 July 1995, 187-192. DELTSHEV C. 1998. Spiders from the High Altitude Zone of Central Stara Planina Mountain (Bulgaria) (Araneae). - Ber. nat.-mus. Verein. Innsbruck, 85: 213-221. DELTSHEV C. 1999. Faunistic and zoogeographical review of the Spiders (Araneae) of the Balkan peninsula. - The Journal of Arachnology. Kansas, 27: 255-261. DELTSHEV C. 2000. The endemic spiders (Araneae) of the Balkan Peninsula. - In: Gajdos, P., Pekar, S. (eds): Proceedings of the 18th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Stara Lesna, 1999. Ekológia (Bratislava), 19(3): 59-65. DELTSHEV C. 2003. A critical review of the taxa described by P. Drensky in the period 1915-1945. - Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck, 90: 135-150. DELTSHEV C. 2003. A Zoogeographical review of Spiders (Araneae) in Balkan Peninsula. - In: Proceedings of Koper, Klower, Amsterdam. DELTSHEV C. 2003. Faunistic Diversity and Conservation Significanse of Spiders (Araneae). - In: Rapid Ecological Asessment of Rila Monastery Nature Park, USAID. Sofia, 108-116. DELTSHEV C. 2004. Spiders (Araneae) from Sandanski-Petrich Valley (SW Bulgaria). - Mitt. Mus. Nat. kd. Berl., Zool. Reihe, 80(1): 71-76. DELTSHEV C. 2005. A new Hypomma species from Stara Planina Mountains, Bulgaria (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Revue suisse de Zoologie 112(1): 115-119. DELTSHEV C. 2007. Fauna and zoogeography of spiders of the family Linyphiidae (Araneae) in Bulgaria. - In: Fet, V. & Popov, A. (eds.): Biogeography and Ecology of Bulgaria. Series: Monographiae Biologicae, Vol. 82: 447-467. DELTSHEV C. In Press. A new spider species Zodarion blagoevi sp. nov. from Belasitsa Mountains, SW Bulgaria (Araneae: Zodariidae). - ZOOTAXA. DELTSHEV C., ANDREEV S., BLAGOEV G., GOLEMANSKY V., DOBREV D., MILOJKOVA G., PENEVA V., TODOROV M., HUBENOV Z. 1993. [Invertebrates (non-Insecta) in Bulgaria (Protozoa, Nematoda, Oligochaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Araneae, Acari)]. - In M. Sakalian (ed.). National biological diversity conservation strategy. Sofia, 1: 149-244. DELTSHEV C., ANDREEV S., BLAGOEV G., GOLEMANSKY V., MILOJKOVA G., PENEVA V., DOBREV D., TODOROV M., HUBENOV Z. 1998. Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgaria. - Bulgaria's Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Curt Meine, ed. Washington, D.C.: Biodiversity Support Program, 1, 2: 109-161. DELTSHEV C., BERON P., BLAGOEV G., GOLEMANSKY V., NAJDENOW V., PENEVA V., STOEV P., TODOROV M., HUBENOV Z. 1999. Faunistic Diversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Rila National Park. - In: Marieta Sakalian (Ed.), Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park. USAID, 249-284. DELTSHEV C., BERON P., BLAGOEV G., GOLEMANSKY V., PENEVA V., STOEV P., TODOROV M., HUBENOV Z. 1999. Faunistic Diversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Central Balkan National Park. - In: Marieta Sakalian (Ed.), Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park. USAID, 289-317. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 1992. A Faunistic and zoogeographic analysis of spiders (Araneae) in Zemen gorge (Southwestern Bulgaria). - Acta zool. bulg., 45: 26-35. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 1994. Biotopical distribution and seasonal activity of model species of the family Gnaphosidae (Araneae) in Zemen gorge (SW Bulgaria). - Arachnol. Mitt., 7: 20-30. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 1995. A critical review of family Lycosidae (Araneae) in Bulgaria. - Revue Arachnologique, 10(10): 171-19. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 1997. The Spiders of Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). Taxonomic, Faunistic and Zoogeographical Analysis (Araneae). - Ber. nat.-med. Verein. Innsbruck, 84: 269-286. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 1998. Class Arachnida, Order Araneae. - In: Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve. Checklist and bibliography (Ed. by Michev, T., Georgiev, B.B., Petrova, A.V., Stijneva, M.P.). Sofia, 68-69. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 2001. A critical checklist of Bulgarian spiders (Araneae). - Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc., 12(3): 110-138. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G., HUBENOV Z. 1998. Conservation Priorities on Biodiversity of Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgarian Mountains. - AMBIO, 27(4): 330-334. DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G., STOJKOSKA E. 2000. A Contribution to the Study of the Spiders (Araneae) in Macedonia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 52(3): 179-183. DELTSHEV C., BOSMANS, R., de SPIEGELAERE W., PROVOOST L. 2006. Zelotes balcanicus sp. n., a new and widespread species from the Balkan Peninsula (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) A new Zelotes species. - Revue suisse de Zoologie 113 (4): 711-716. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B. 1997. Contribution to the knowledge of the group europaeus of Centromerus Dahl (Linyphiidae, Araneae) in the Balkan Peninsula. - Revue suisse de Zoologie, 104(1): 49-55. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B. 2002. Contribution to the study of the genus Centromerus Dahl (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in caves of the Balkan Peninsula. - Revue suisse de Zoologie, 109(1): 1-10. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B., BLAGOEV G. 2003. The Spiders of Serbia. - Ed. B. P. M. Ćurčić. Committee for Karst and Speleology - Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Institute of Zoology -Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Zoology - Faculty of Biology - University of Belgrade; Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stanković" (co-publishers). Belgrade - Sofia, 834 pp. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ R., MAKAROV S., Lučić L. 1996. Further report on cave-dwelling spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from Serbia, YugosIavia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 48(3-4): 25-26. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ, R., MAKAROV S., LUČIĆ L., Tomić V. 1997. Additional report on cave-dwelling spiders (Araneea, Arachnida) from Serbia, Yugoslavia. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 49(3-4): 37-38. DELTSHEV C., Ćurčić B., DIMITRIJEVIĆ R., MAKAROV S., LUČIĆ L., Tomić V. 1998. On cave- and litter-dwelling spiders (Araneae, Arachnida) from east Serbia, Yugoslavia. - Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 50(1): 3-4. DELTSHEV C., DIMITROV, D. 1996. A new Coelotes (C. brevispinus sp. n.) from Bulgarian Mountains (Araneae, Agelenidae). - Revue Arachnologique, 11(7): 77-79. DELTSHEV C., GUEORGUIEV V. 1979. [A review of biospeleological investigations in Bulgaria and their future problems]. - Sbornik, Nat. Conf. Speleol. Sofia, 82-89. DELTSHEV C., HUBENOV Z., BLAGOEV G., DOBREV D. 1998. [Modern methods of collecting, managing and keeping faunistic data]. - Hist. nat. bulg., 9: 143-154. DELTSHEV C., KAJAK A. 1974. Analysis of a sheep pasture ecosystem in the Peniny Mountains (the Carpatians). XVI. Effect of Pasture management on the number and biomass of spiders (Araneae) in two climatic regions (the Peniny and the Sredna Gora Mountains). - Ecologia Polska. Warszawa, 22(3/4): 693-710. DELTSHEV C., KARAPETKOVA M., POPOV V., NANKINOV D. 1997. [Animals: Economic significance and problems of fauna protection]. - In: Geograhy of Bulgaria. Physical Geography. Socio-Economic Geography, 333-334. DELTSHEV C., LAZAROV S., BLAGOEV G. In Press. Spiders (Araneae) from the Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). - In: Beron P., Popov A. (eds). Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 2. Biodiversity of Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia. DELTSHEV C., LAZAROV S., PETROV B. 2003. A Contribution to the Study of Spiders (Araneae) from the Caves of Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg. 55(2): 9-28. DELTSHEV C., PARASHI L. 1990. A contribution to the study of Spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae, Salticidae, Agelenidae) in Greece, with a description of a new species (Malthonica spinipalpis Deltshev, sp. n., Agelenidae). - Biologia Gallo-hellenica, 17(1): 3-12. DELTSHEV C., PETROV B., MITOV P. 2005. [Faunistic diversity of Class Arachnida (non Acari) in Bulgaria - present state, importance and perspectives]. - In: Petrova, A. (ed.), Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity - problems and perspectives. pp. 129-151. Bulgarian Bioplatform, Sofia. GOLEMANSKY V., DELTSHEV C. 1985. Attainments of Zoospeleology in Bulgaria. - Rev. Acad. Bulg. Sci. Sofia, 3: 29-34. GUEORGUIEV V., DELTSHEV C. 1997. [Animals: Underground fauna]. - In: Geograhy of Bulgaria. Physical Geography. Socio-Economic Geography, 323-324. GUEORGUIEV V., DELTSHEV C., GOLEMANSKY V. 1994. Bulgarie. - In: Encyclopedia Biospeologica, 1: 619-629. LAZAROV S., DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G. 2001. The Spiders (Araneae) of Sashtinska Sredna Gora Mountain (Bulgaria). Faunistic and Zoogeographical Analysis. - Acta zool. bulg., 53(1): 3-28. LEHLER A., DELTSHEV C. 1978. Modern Methods for Biogeographical Mapping of Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 10: 3-9. NANKINOV D., BESHKOV V., DELTSHEV C., KALUSHKOV P. 1995. Fauna of the Pirin and Slavianka Mountaions. - In: Pirin. Geological Guidebook. Ed. Ivan Zagorchev. Sofia, 9-10. POPOV A., DELTSHEV C., HUBENOV Z., BESCHOVSKI V., DOBREV D, GUEORGUIEV B. 2000. Invertebrate fauna. - In: Popov, A., Meshinev, T. (eds). High mountain treeless zone of the Central Balkan National Park. Biological diversity and problems of its conservation. Sofia, BSBCP, 339-416. POPOV V., DELTSHEV C. 1997. [Animals: Formation of contemporary fauna]. - In: Geograhy of Bulgaria. Physical Geography. Socio-Economic Geography, 310-316. POPOV V., DELTSHEV C., BLAGOEV G., KRUSTEVA I., DELTSHEV D. 2000. Epigeobiont Animal Assemblages from two Landscapes of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Relationship to Habitat Type, Assemblage Structure and Biodiversity II. Spiders (Araneae). - Acta zool. bulg., 52(1): 51-88. THALER K., VAN HELSDINGEN P., DELTSHEV C. 1994. Vikariante Verbreitung im Artenkomplex von Lepthyphantes annulatus in Europa und ihre Deutung (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Zool. Anz. Jena, 232(3/4): 111-127. VAN HELSDINGEN P., THALER K., DELTSHEV C. 1977. The tenuis group of Lepthyphantes Menge (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Tijdschr. Ent. 120: 1-54. VAN HELSDINGEN P., THALER K., DELTSHEV C. 2001. The European species of Bolyphantes with an attempt of a phylogenetic analysis (Araneae, Linyphiidae). - Mem. Soc. entomol. ital., 80 3-35. |
Last modified: 20 Feb 2008 |