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present check list is based mainly on the data announced in "A critical
list of Bulgarian spiders (Araneae)" (Deltshev & Blagoev, 2001). The main problem
analyzing and sorting of the collected information was the wide range of quality
of data in the early publications, which affects the validity of records. The
main shortcomings and paucity of records published before 1960 (just 55 titles)
are due to the obsolete and unusable taxonomic nomenclature and in some cases to
misidentifications. In this respect, all published and unpublished results of
revisions of the material in collection of Bulgarian spiders, have been used in
the present check list.
taxonomic names follow the nomenclature given in Platnick (2004).
The taxonomic list was prepared
using a specific code (Taxonomic ID) for each species. The coding system is 13
digit code. First 4 digits correspond to the number of the family in the
universal phylogenetic order of spiders (Fürst & Mulhauser, 1991;
Platnick, 2004). Next 4 digits
correspond to the alphabetical arrangement of genera within different families
according to Platnick, 2004. Last 5 digits denote the number of the species in
the alphabetical arrangement within the corresponding genus and family. Genus
specific digits of neighboring genera have a difference between each other of 10
units, while species specific digits of close species always have a difference
of 100 units. This organization allow inserting newly discovered (or revised)
genera and species without disturbing the systematic arrangement. For instance:
Alopecosa accentuata (Latreille, 1817)
has the following code: 5065008000100,
which means that the species is from fam. Lycosidae (5065), where its genus is
numbered 7th (0080) and the species is numbered 1st (00100).
