I. Proceedings

  1. "Collegium Germania. 1. Probleme der Modernisierung Bulgariens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert"
    ("Collegium Germania. 1. Issues of Bulgaria's Modernization during 19th and 20th Centuries"), Sofia, 1994, 128 pp.
    Editor: Zwetana Todorova.
    ISBN 954-07-0242-9

This volume contains the proceedings of the Binational Workshop of Young Bulgarian and German Historians, which took place in September 1990, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The principal topic of the Workshop were the cardinal problems of modernization (political, social and economic) of the Balkan countries during 19th and 20th centuries. The main emphasize was put on the developments in the first half of 20th century with focusing attention primarily on Bulgaria which was left in the periphery of the dynamically advancing Western European capitalism.
The volume starts with an essay by Prof. Dr. Holm Sundhaussen, which offers an in-depth analysis of the state of affairs in the area of academic research in Bulgaria pertaining to the study of the economic and historic issues of Bulgaria's modernization.


Zwetana Todorova – Preface
Holm Sundhaussen – "Aufgaben und Defizite einer sozial- und wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Balkan- und Bulgarienforschung" ("Problems and Deficits of Socio-Economic and Economic-Historical Balkan and Bulgaria Studies")
Wolfgang Hoepken – "Zentralstaat und kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Bulgarien 1880-1910. Zur Anatomie eines Modernisierungskonfliktes" ("Central Government and Municipal Administration in Bulgaria 1880-1910. On the Anatomy of a Conflict during Modernization")
Rumjana Preschlenova – "Der Aussenhandel Bulgariens und seine Rolle fuer die Modernisierung des Landes 1878-1912" ("Foreign Trade of Bulgaria and its Role in Country's Modernization 1878-1912")
Nina Djulgerova – "Bachmetiev und Bulgarien" ("Bachmetiev and Bulgaria")
Maria Georgieva – "Die Modernisierung und der industrielle Protektionismus in Bulgarien" ("Modernization and Industrial Protectionism in Bulgaria")
Gudrun Ziehn – "Probleme der Agrarmodernisierung in Bulgarien und Bosnien 1878-1912: ein Vergleich" ("Problems of Agricultural Modernization in Bulgaria and Bosnia 1878-1912: Comparative Study")
Gabriele Wolf – "Der Beitrag der landwirtschaftlichen Schulen zur Agrarmodernisierung Bulgariens in der ersten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts" ("Impact of Farming Schools on the Modernization of Bulgaria's Agriculture during the First Half of 20th Century")
Milen Mihov – "Political Parties and Modernization of Bulgaria during the First Decade of 20th Century"
Dobrinka Paruscheva – "Die Teilnahme der Sozialdemokratie an den parlamentarischen Wahlen und ihre Taetigkeit im Parlament /Ende des 19./ Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts/" ("Social-Democratic Involvement in the Parliamentary Ellections and its Activity in the Parliament: End of 19th Century – Beginning of 20th Century")
Nikolaj Poppetrov – "Der Bulgarische Bauernbund in der Epoche der Modernisierung 1899-1918" ("Bulgaria's Farming Union in the Era of Modernization 1899-1918")
Rumjana Koneva – "Zu einigen Fragen der bulgarisch-deutschen Kulturverhaeltnisse seit der Befreiung /1878/ bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges" ("On Certain Problems of Bulgarian-German Cultural Relations since Bulgaria's Liberation (1878) till the End of WWI")
Zwetana Todorova und Alexander Kostov – "Bulgarisch-deutsche kulturelle Beziehungen. Die Ausbildung bulgarischer Oekonomisten in Deutschland 1878-1944" ("Bulgarian-German Cultural Relations: Tuition of Bulgarian Economists in Germany 1878-1944")
Thomas M. Bohn – "Bulgarien in der Balkankonzeption P. N. Miljukovs. Wissenschaftliche Expedition und politische Reise" ("Bulgaria within the Balkan Political Concept of P.N. Milyukov. Scientfic Expedition and Political Travel").
  1. "Collegium Germania 2. Probleme der Entwicklung Bulgariens in den 20-er bis 90-er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts"
    ("Collegium Germania 2. Problems of Bulgaria's Development from the 20-ies to the 90-ies of 20th Century"), Sofia ,1997, 381 pp.
    Editors: Zwetana Todorova, Sashka Zhecheva, Milena Todorakova.
    ISBN 954-07-0909-1

In these proceedings the reports and session discussions during the Bulgarian-German Symposium in 1995 are published. The symposium has been organized due to the initiative of the late vice-president of Suedosteuropa-Gesellschaft Prof. Dr. Klaus-Detlev Grothusen. The contributions to the proceedings discuss various basic problems of the political, economical and cultural history of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian-German relations in the near past and the present time. The proceedings also contain four longer essays authored by Bulgarian ad German historians which are intimately related to part of the principal topics considered at the symposium. In general, all discussed issues are provoking the vivid inrest ,both of the academic historian circles, as well as of politians and of the broad intellectual public.


Peter Metzger – Opening Address
Zwetana Todorova – Preface
Virginia Paskaleva – "Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Klaus-Detlev Grothusen. In memoriam"
Vera Mutaftschieva – Introductory Remarks
Rumjana Bogdanova – "Politische Ideen in Bulgarien in der zweiten Haelfte der 40-er Jahre. Illusionen und Realitaet" ("Political Ideas in Bulgaria during the Second Half of 40-ies. Illusions and Reality")
Stefan Troebst – ""Kadavergehorsam": Vernichtungsterror und "Saeuberungen"in der Bulgarischen Kommunistischen Partei 1936-1953" ("Blind Obedience: Terror and Ideological Cleansing inside Bulgarian Communist Party 1936-1953")
Sashka Milanova – "Parliamentary System and Constitution in Bulgaria after the End of WWII"
Rumyana Todorova – "The of the Career of a Professional Diplomate"
Wladimir Migev – "Anfang der "Auftauung" des Stalinistischen Modells des Sozialismus in Bulgarien (1953-1958)" ("Beginning of the "Thaw-Process" of Stalinist Model of Socialism in Bulgaria (1953-1958)")
Nansen Behar – "Bulgarian Political Developments during the 70-ies and the 80-ies" (oral presentation)
Ljudmil Petrov – "Die Aussenpolitik Bulgariens und die Balkanlaender (1934-1939)" ("Bulgaria's Foreign Policy and the Balkan States (1934-1939)")
Rumen Nikolov – "Der Abbruch der deutsch-bulgarischen militaerpolitischen Beziehungen (Ende August – Anfang September 1944)" ("Collapse of German-Bulgarian Political and Military Ties
(End of August till Beginning of September 1944)")
Rumen Nikolov – "Pull-out of German Forces from Bulgaria (End of August till Beginning of September 1944)")
Vitka Toshkova – "Bulgaria between USSR and USA: throughout the Post-WWII Era until the Collapse of USSR"
Roland Schoenfeld – "Entwicklung der deutsch-bulgarischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert" /Aussprache/ ("Development of German-Bulgarian Economic Relations in 20th Century", oral presentation)
Roland Schoenfeld – "Deutsch-bulgarische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Weltkriegen (1920-1940)" ("German-Bulgarian Economic Relations in the Period between the World Wars (1920-1940)")
Karl-Heinz Schlarp – "Der westdeutsche Osthandel in den 50-er Jahren und der Anteil Bulgariens" ("West German Foreign Trade with the East and the Share of Bulgaria")
Zlatko Zlatev – "Bulgarian-German Relations (1945-1949)"
Gospodinka Nikova – "Charasteric Features of Economic Integration in Western and Eastern Europe after the End of WWII"
Zwetana Todorova – "Industrialisierung und Strukturveraenderungen in Bulgarien vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg aus wirtschaftsgeschichtlicher Sicht" ("Industrialization and Structural Changes in Bulgaria before WWI from Economic-Historical Point of View")
Elisabeth Kotsch – "Alexander Stambolijski und die Modernisuerung Bulgariens: Promotor oder Konktator?" ("Alexander Stamboliiski and Bulgaria's Modernization: a Promoter or Conctator")
Ivan Fichorov – "The Industrialists and the General Union of Bulgarian Industry – Economic Ideas and Practice (1944-1947)"
Ilyana Marcheva – "Highlights of the Industrialization Policy – Modernization of Bulgaria during the Second Half of 20th Century"
Todor Valtschev – "Die Geldpolitik der Bulgarischen Nationalbank" /Aussprache/ ("Monetary Policy of Bulgarian National Bank", oral presentation)
Hans-Dieter Doepmann – "Kirchen und Religionen in Bulgarien des 20. Jahrhunderts" ("Churches and Religions in Bulgaria in 20th Century")
Daniela Kalkanjieva – "The Separation of the Church from the State in Bulgaria: Historical and Political Aspects"
Elena Boyadjieva – "Deutschlands kultureller Einfluss auf Bulgarien und die Konkurrenz der anderen Grossmaechte (1919-1939)" ("German Cultural Influence in Bulgaria and the Competition with the Other Main Powers (1919-1939)")
Anka Zlateva – "Involvement of Intellectuals in the Cultural Processes and Exchange between the German East Zone (GDR) and Bulgaria (1944-1950)"
Eugenia Kalinova – "F.R. of Germany in the Cultural Policy of Bulgaria (1949-1966)"
Boyka Vasileva – "Bulgarian Political Emigration in Germany after WWII"
Helmut W. Schaller – "Sprache und Politik in Bulgarien im 20. Jahrhundert" ("Language and Politics in Bulgaria in 20th Century")
Ljubima Jordanova – "Die Sprache der Wende aus vergleichender Sicht /Bulgarisch/Deutsch/. Eine Einfuehrung" ("The Language of the Political Changes from Comparative Bulgarian-German Linguistic Point of View: an Introduction")
Stefan Troebst – "Die bulgarische Minderheit Moldovas zwischen nationalstaatlichem Zentralismus, gagausischem Autonomismus und transnistrischem Separatismus (1991-1995)" ("Bulgarian Minority of Moldova in the Midst of National State Centralism, Gagauz Autonomism and Trans-Ister Separatism (1991-1995)")
Velko Tonev – "The Bulgarians from the Azov Sea Shore Region"
Georgi Panayotov – "Renaissance of the National Identity in the Republic of Moldova"
Appendix – List of Registered Participants at the Symposium.
  1. "Collegium Germania 3. Die Rolle der Wirtschaftbeziehungen zu Deutschland in der Entwicklung Bulgariens. Von den 30-er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart"
    ("Collegium Germania 3. The Role of Economic Ties to Germany for Bulgaria's Development. From the 1930-ies to the Present Day"), Sofia 2000, 251 pp.
    Editors: Zwetana Todorova, Sashka Zhecheva
    ISBN 954-8010-97-6

In these proceedings the reports and oral presentations at the Bulgarian-German Symposium, which took place in Sofia, October 1997, are published. The main topic of discussion at the symposium was the very broad and important for Bulgaria theme about the role of German economy and German foreign economic policy for the economic development of Bulgaria throughout more than seven decades of 20th century. The symposium was devoted to the celebration of Dr. Roland Schoenfeld's personality: vice-president of Suedosteuropa-Gesellschaft, a reknown scholar in the studies of historical and modern-time development processes in Southeast Europe, in general, and Bulgaria, in particular.


Zwetana Todorova – Preface
Valentin Vasilev – Welcome Address
Walther Althammer – Grusswort (Welcome Address)
Peter Metzger – Grusswort (Welcome Address)
Stefan Sofiyanski – Welcome Address
Konstantin Kossev – Grusswort (Welcome Address)
Virginia Paskaleva – Grusswort (Welcome Address)
Todor Valtschev – "Ueber die Persoenlichkeit von Dr. Roland Schoenfeld" ("On the Personality of Dr. Roland Schoenfeld")
Hansjoerg Brey – "Anmerkungen zur Persoenlichkeit und zum wissenschaftlichen Werk von Dr. Roland Schoenfeld" ("Remarks about the Personality and the Scholar Activity of Dr. Roland Schoenfeld")
Peter Shopov – "The Collection of Articles "South-East Europe - Continuity and Change" – Well Deserved Respect for the Academic Achievements of Prof. Dr. Roland Schoenfeld"
Roland Schoenfeld – "Worte der Dankbarkeit" (Thanksgiving Address)
Roland Schoenfeld – "Wirtschaftliche Kooperation der deutschen Industrie in Bulgarien: Der Mitteleuropaeische Wirtschaftstag (1930-1944)" ("Economic Cooperation of German Industry in Bulgaria: the Middle-Europe Economic Council (1930-1944)")
Zwetana Todorova – "Die Rolle der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zu Deutschland im geschichtlichen Prozess der Modernisierung Bulgariens im 20. Jahrhundert. Aus Anlass der Praesentation des Buches von Dr. R. Schoenfeld" ("The Role of Economic Ties with Germany within the Historic Process of Bulgaria's Modernization in 20th Century. On the Occasion of the Official Presentation of Dr. R. Schoenfeld's Book")
Maria Koleva – "Die deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik gegenueber Bulgarien in den 30-er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts" ("German Economic Policy towards Bulgaria in the 30-ies of 20th Century")
Mladen Zonev, Erika Lasarova – "Die Reflexion der deutsch-bulgarischen wissenschafts-technischen Beziehungen in der Theorie und ihr Einfluss auf die sozio-oekonomische Entwicklung Bulgariens in den 30-er Jahren" ("The Reflection of German-Bulgarian Science and Technology Ties in Theoretical Studies and their Impact on the Social-Economic Development of Bulgaria in the 30-ies")
Panto Kolev – "Uebersicht ueber die Dokumentation der deutschen oder mit deutschem Anteil gegruendeten Firmen in Bulgarien in den Bestaenden des Zentralen Staatsarchivs in Sofia" ("Digest of the Archive Documentation of German and German-Share Companies in Bulgaria Maintained in the Central Office of State Archives, Sofia")
Alexander Kostov – "Siemens und Bulgarien. Der Beitrag eines deutschen Konzerns zur Modernisierung Bulgariens in der Zwischenkriegszeit" ("Siemens and Bulgaria: the Contribution of a German Company for Bulgaria's Modernization in the Interwar Period")
Rumyana Parvanova – "The Accord between Bulgaria and Disconto Gesellschaft from 1929 and the British Position"
Martin Ivanov – "Bulgarian and German Approach to the Great Depression"
Lyudmil Petrov – "Germany and the Defense Capabilities of Bulgaria in the Interwar Period"
Rumen Awramov – "Bemerkungen ueber die oekonomische Abhaengigkeit" ("Remarks on Economic Dependence")
Maria Georgieva – "Die Kreditbank, Sofia, und das deutsche Kapital in Suedosteuropa 1918-1938" ("The Credit Bank, Sofia, and the German Capital in Southeast Europe 1918-1938")
Georgi Markov – "Deutschland und Bulgarien. Geschichtsschicksal und zukuenftige Vorbestimmungen" ("Germany and Bulgaria: Historic Fate and Future Predestination")
Gospodinka Nikova – "Economic Integration between Bulgaria and Germany during the 30-ies and 40-ies of 20th Century"
Rumyana Todorova – "Bulgarian-German Relations (1949-1956)"
Eugenia Kalinova – "Winners Are Always Right: the Fate of German Property in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Claims towards Germany after the End of WWII"
Vitcho Vitchev – "Entwicklung und Trend der Produktion von Festo-Erzeugnissen in Bulgarien" ("Development and Trends of FESTO Production in Bulgaria")
Lena Roussenova – "Bulgaria: Financial Stabilization after the Currency Board Introduction"
Michail Gruev – "Die erste vollstaendige Darstellung der bulgarischen Geschichte auf Deutsch – Hans-Joachim Haertel, Roland Schoenfeld "Bulgarien. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart"" ("The First Comprehensive Presentation of Bulgarian History in German Language: Hans-Joachim Haertel and Roland Schoenfeld, "Bulgaria. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day"")
Rumen Nikolov – "German Vision of Bulgarian History"
Dobrinka Paruscheva – "Das Buch von Dr. Johanna Deimel "Bewegte Zeiten: Frauen in Bulgarien gestern und heute"" ("The Book of Dr. Johanna Deimel "Shifting Times: Women in Bulgaria Yesterday and Today")

II. Research Projects

  1. "Bulgarian-German Mixed Companies in Bulgaria in the Interwar Period".

On the basis of the huge amount of documentary items of German and mixed Bulgarian-German companies in Bulgaria pertaining to the interwar period, which are being maintained by the Central Office of State Archives, Sofia, we plan to execute in-depth studies of the economic relations between the two states and, especially, to study the role of Germany for Bulgaria's modernization.
This project is being realized in collaboration with the Institute for History of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Suedost-Institut, Munich.

  1. "History of FESTO Ltd., Bulgaria"

III. Translations

This book comprises the doctoral thesis of the author and it has earned the prize of Suedosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Munich. Employing an extraordinary literary and imaginative language in a scrupulous study of the relevant documents residing in the leading European diplomatic archives, Koenigsloew describes the painful political development of Bulgaria during the period of 1886-1896 both in the context of national
psychology, as well as in the framework of the political efforts (in a crucial turning point of the process) for an international recognition of the legitimacy of the Prince and, thereby, a recognition of the independent Bulgarian statehood – all this drama under the scrutiny of Western European political norms and the global geopolitical interests of the Main Powers.
In his preface to the Bulgarian translation of the book Joachim von Koenigsloew writes:

"...Denn es war immer mein Wunsch – deshalb habe ich ja auch suedosteuropaeische Geschichte studiert – als Deutscher etwas zum Bau der Bruecke beizutragen, die Mittel- und Ost- und Suedosteuropa ueber jenen geschichtlichen Trennfluss hinweg verbindet, den die beiden zusammengehoerigen Ufer unseres Kontinents immer wieder trennen will, sei es durch die Duerre von Unkenntnis, durch Zufrieren, durch Eisgang oder Hochwasserfluten, - Fluten, die nicht nur die sichtbaren, sondern auch die unsichtbaren geistigen Bruecken zwischen diesen Laendern und Voelkern wegreissen wollte. Unser Jahrhundert wurde schon von mehreren solchen Fluten heimgesucht.
Deshalb werden Sie meine Freude verstehen, wenn nun – fuer mich ganz unerwartet nach dreissig Jahren – diese Forschungen nun doch noch als Material eines freundschaftlichen Brueckenbaus dienen koennen, bei dem Forscher unserer Laender und Voelker sich gegenseitig helfen bei der Erhellung ihrer Vergangenheit /um beim Beispiel der Geschichte zu bleiben/..."
("…It was always my desire (after all this was the main reason why I graduated in history of Southeast Europe) as a German to contribute my own share in building of the bridge which is destined to link Middle, East- and Southeast Europe over the historic abyss of division - the gulf trying over and over again to tear apart both belonging together banks of our continent, be it through the drought of ignorance, through freezing, through avalanches or floods - those floods aimed at the destruction not only of the visible, but also of the hidden spiritual bridges among our countries and nations. Several such floods have already afflicted our Century.
Therefore, you will be able to understand my joyful pleasure today when (entirely unexpected for me after 30 years) I realize that my academic research could still serve as a building block of the bridge of friendship where the scholars of our countries and nations could assist each other in elucidating our past (in order to comply with the lessons of History) …")